Access to all product resources and technical information relevant to each project all in one place
Say goodbye to manual searches and endless downloads—our platform automatically populates all technical resources related to products, from manuals to datasheets, tailored specifically to each project the product is utilized in.
Streamlining your workflow, our intelligent system ensures that you have all the necessary information at your fingertips, saving you valuable time.

Assign orders to individual projects
Seamlessly organize and track orders, ensuring clarity and efficiency in project management. With the ability to allocate orders directly to specific projects, you gain greater control and visibility, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

Set precise delivery locations with what three words

Custom quotes based on your project requirements
Whether online or offline, our platform empowers you to request & view quotes with ease, ensuring accuracy and precision every step of the way.
Receive personalized quotes from our dedicated team and conveniently review them within the Brymec portal. With the ability to analyze quotes, you can make informed decisions and proceed to place orders confidently, all within a single, streamlined process.

Manage user privileges and budgets, approve and deny their orders
Brymec puts you in the driver’s seat, providing the tools you need to streamline operations and optimize resource allocation
Empower admins to customize user privileges, ensuring a secure workflow. Set budgets and permissions to manage spending effectively. Approve orders confidently, ensuring alignment with policies and budgets.

Spend reporting
Unlock insights and drive informed decisions with Brymec’s comprehensive spend reporting functionality within the MyBrymec portal. Gain a deeper understanding of your procurement activities through detailed spend analysis and customizable reports.
Track spending trends, identify cost-saving opportunities, and optimize budget allocation effortlessly.